The Tech Transition: AI and the future.

Tushar Ojha
4 min readJul 29, 2021


Is AI capable enough to take our jobs? What jobs AI can’t take? At what stage we are?

You might have heard things like AI is going crazy, It’s gonna take our jobs, AI will rule humans… and more. (I don’t get the latest comic at my location)

In this blog let’s break it and understand what is AI (actually)? and what it will be taking from us?


What is AI (actually)?

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, and it is present on people’s ppt screens or project titles only (for now).

This is a fact that AI is just a concept of machines getting intelligence to decide what to do? and learn how to do?

We all know that machines / computers have zero IQ. The reason behind this saying are:

  • Machines require an algorithm A which they run on some input X to produce output Y.
  • Machines cannot figure out what to do themselves. They work on instructions.

So, if machines want to get intelligent (or we want machines to be intelligent) then we have to figure out how to full-fill the above points.

As of now, we are not able to able reach far enough that we can call something as AI.

What is Machine Learning (ML)?

Machine Learning is when machines learn to predict the output from the previous input/output data.

Think of this way:
In traditional programming we write algorithms in programs which takes input I and return some output after going through the algorithm.

In machine learning this algorithm is missing, so we give the model (program) a list of data containing inputs and their corresponding outputs. So that when we give some input which was not present in the training set we will receive an output. This output is the predicted output.

NOTE: We don’t give the algorithm which takes input to output. But we do give algorithm(s) which tells the machine how to find the algorithm which takes input to output.

This means the first part of reaching level AI will achieved through this. And data scientists are working on finding new algorithms and doing the math stuff.

The second part to reach level of AI is still requires a lot of research.

So, now its clear that we are currently working on Machine Learning. AI is still a big dream for us to have. (but we will have it).

But then

Why people talk so much about AI than ML?

AI sounds more fascinating.

AI is the overused word right now. People use this word in hackathon presentation to stand out, Pitch deck presentation in front of investors, companies even sell their phone calling AI Selfie Camera.

But now you understand that all these are just very specific machine learning models which they people call AI so you buy their products.

It doesn’t mean we should not talk about AI because if we don’t talk about this then it might get out-dated.

AI is not the first thing, there are several other technologies which are equally potential and going to contribute in the future technologies like:

  • Cyber Security
  • Blockchain
  • Material Science
  • BioTech
  • FinTech

And the tech transition will continue…

What will it take from us in future?

This point is very clear. Future jobs will be for creative persons.

I won’t use the term AI much but in future this is pretty clear that all the major manual / physical jobs will be taken over by AI.

ML models would be trained good enough to reach the point at which they can do things with more accuracy then us. And we can already see this, all the products we use today whether the shirt you are wearing today is made using machines now which was previously done with hands.

But does that mean people lost jobs because of it?

Yes, ofcourse. But later they started getting new skills and working on things which aren’t done by machines now.

It is belived that in future the most paying jobs will be of creative people and actually we can see that same happening today. Nowadays creative people are earning more money than the worker working on the construction site near your home.

Biology says Survival of the fittest. You have to be fit and up to date about the technology to survive.

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Keep learning to thrive…



Tushar Ojha
Tushar Ojha

Written by Tushar Ojha

Tech Enthusiast | Open Source | Developer | Android | Flutter Dev

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